Me Next to you and you next to me


★for the lovers★

Capture your love story on video and in photos through a relaxed and fun experience together, whether it's out and about exploring somewhere special to you or enjoying the cozy comfort of your own home.

A couple’s session offers the perfect opportunity to create some amazing photographs of you and your partner in an inviting and carefree environment. Just the two of you, being you.

The film and photographs can be used as an announcement such as a ‘Save the Date’, your engagement or any exciting news you would like to announce to loved ones. They can also serve as a wonderful way to mark an anniversary or simply to celebrate your awesome relationship.


★ 2 hour shoot - in your chosen location

★ 2 - 3 minute - beautiful montage edit of the two of you together

★ High Resolution Photographs - up to 25 awesome photos of you two together

★ Online Gallery + Video Link - Download your film and share your photographs with friends and family

★ Option to use genuine Super 8 Cine Film in the film

Price: £450 (+ £300 to include Super 8 footage)

For more information please send me an email or use the contact form.